<item>1. Covers campaign finance activity during two year calendar period indicated. Based on disclosure documents submitted by candidates, their principal campaign committees, and other authorized committees. Figures adjusted to eliminate refunds and rebates, refunded contributions, loan repayments, and transfers to or from affiliated committees.
<item>2. Covers 10 candidates who received Federal matching funds (Democrats: Edmund Brown, James Carter, Edward Kennedy, and Lyndon LaRouche; Republicans: John Anderson, Howard Baker, George Bush, Phillip Crane, Robert Dole, and Ronald Reagan).
<item>3. Covers 11 candidates who received Federal matching funds (Democrats: Reubin Askew, Alan Cranston, John Glenn, Gary Hart, Ernest Hollings, Jesse Jackson, Lyndon LaRouche, George McGovern, and Walter Mondale; Republican: Ronald Reagan; Citizens Party: Sonia Johnson).
<item>4. Includes Citizens Party candidate not shown separately.
<item>5. Includes 14 candidates who received federal matching funds (Democrats: Bruce Babbitt, Michael Dukakis, Richard Gebhardt, Albert Gore, Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson, Lyndon LaRouche, and Paul Simon; Republicans: George Bush, Robert Dole, Pierre DuPont, Alexander Haig, John Kemp, Patrick Robertson.
<item>6. Includes other types of receipts, not shown separately.
<item>7. John Anderson, as the candidate of a new party, was permitted to raise funds privately. Total receipts for the Anderson campaign, including Federal funds, were 17.6 million dollars and total expenditures were 15.6 million dollars.